Saturday, June 30, 2012

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Before they rest assured that the national policy.
In Hong Kong rest for two days, oakleys invite more than 60 scientific and technological personnel,oakley gascan sunglass, went to Xiamen, in order to participate in the Ministry of Electronics Industry, Xiamen, where IC Development Strategy Seminar.
June baby face, thunderstorms that come and say next, but soon the wind eliminate scattered clouds, but I have given a fresh meaning of the hot weather of think of it in this refreshing, the Ministry of Electronics Industry, Xiamen IC Development Strategy Seminar, to begin soon.
Xiamen IC, Ministry of Electronics Industry Development Strategy Seminar, is a strategy seminar hosted by the National Electronics Industry organized by the Department, the Ministry of Electronics Industry Minister Lee.
Invited to participate in the seminar, in addition to unlimited electronics companies, as well as the 742 Factory Jiangnan radio equipment, the four planes of the Ministry of home appliances factory, five radio factory in Shanghai, Suzhou, Changzhou, Tianjin, Guizhou, four semiconductor plants. semiconductor devices, five plants, two plants belong in the Department of Space, a total of almost 24 corporate vendors.
It can be said that this 1986 Ministry of Electronics Industry, Xiamen IC development strategy seminars, domestic electronic integrated circuit industry in China, an unprecedented event in the history of China-based IC industry and even the chip manufacturing industry, is extremely important once development strategy meeting.
Oakleys and Assistant Zhou Xing led a group of more than 60 technology experts meeting to the seminar site, naturally attracted the attention of the site has been the scene of the manufacturers. If nothing else, the light at most other manufacturers with more than a dozen people attended the meeting the oakleys even with 60 people, looks really massive, and seminar is also no limit to the number of people, others do not say anything.
When other vendors learned that these people lead, to be enjoying the unlimited corporate group chairman oakleys is talking about. Infinite enterprises involved in electronic IC industry is unlimited e-business, integrated circuits, IC and printed circuit board production line, although the number is nothing compared to other vendors, but technology is first-class level.
Ah? Shaojie ah,oakley gascan sunglass, how? With so many people? asked a little surprised.
to the chip design and manufacturing, high-end memory technology and technical personnel, in order to allow them to set up factories in mainland China, the mainland into the electronics companies are confident in China's domestic national policy, and take them to join the meeting. .
Minister Lee listen oakleys say this, know that in front of 60 people, are foreign or overseas high-end technical talent, natural heart

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